
Vigeland's biography is available in English.

The Vigeland biography in English

Author Tone Wikborg is the former Museum Director at the Vigeland Museum. Her biography on Gustav Vigeland life and work was first published in 2001 and is now published in English for the very first time!

The biography is also republished in Norwegian as well as the book was completely sold out. The new design is elegant and reflects the colors of the Vigeland Museum. The Vigeland biography is an in-depth and broad presentation of Vigeland's life and work. The book is richly illustrated.

Published by Vidarforlaget. For sale at the Vigeland Museum, Vigeland's former home and studio, located in Nobels street 32, about a seven minute walk from the Vigeland Park.

Vigeland's biography is available in English.
Vigeland's biography is available in English.