

Visitor information / Guided tours

Do you want to book a guided tour at the Vigeland museum?

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The Monolith Hall. Photo: Ivar Kvaal. Guided Tour: Permanent exhibition Hjørnestuen Guided Tour: The Artist House Fountain Hall. Photo: Vigeland Museum / Ivar Kvaal Combined Tour: Permanent Collection + The Artist House Anne Karin Furunes Crystal Image XIV 2014 Foto Jean Baptiste Beranger utsnitt Guided Tour: "Visiting"
Saturday / Sunday
Outside opening hours

Public Tours in the Museum
Dates for public tours in the permanent exhibition and Vigeland's artist home can be found under events.

The Vigeland Park

The museum does not conduct tours in Vigeland Park. For information about guided tours in the park, please contact VisitOslo.

Kindergartens and Schools
We also offer educational programs for kindergartens and schools.

City Walks in Downtown Oslo
Occasionally, the Vigeland Museum conducts city walks focusing on Vigeland's works in downtown Oslo. Visit events for more information.