
Gult turkis Monolitten Foto Unni Irmelin Kvam Vigelandmuseet

Guerrilla Lighting at the Vigeland Museum

Unik kveldsvandring i Vigeland-museet 01.11.2019

On November 1, the audience is invited to a unique evening walk in the Vigeland Museum. As an interdisciplinary stunt project, students at the Kristiania Høyskole will shine new light on Vigeland's art by presenting poetic light in the museum's monumental halls. Through so-called Guerrilla Lighting, a type of lighting "graffiti" with strong flashlights, volatile experiences of space and art are created, the focus being in favor of the instant.

Previously, the students from Høyskolen Kristiania have made a similar project with other iconic buildings in Oslo, as the main library Deichman and Sofienberg church. The project involves students from the bachelor studies interior architecture, text and writer, graphic design and creative marketing.

Please order your ticket at TicketCo

Practical information:

Guerilla Lighting / New Light on Vigeland.

Vigeland Museum, Nobels gate 32, Oslo.

Ticket check
from 19.15 - 19.30 outside the Vigeland Museum.

Starting at 19.30
outside the Vigeland Museum (Please be on time and wear something suitable for Norwegian fall)

We kindly ask the audience not to photograph or film inside the Vigeland Museum during the event. The audience can photograph outside the museum.

We start outside the museum at 19.30 and the event will end with a small show with film and video from the guerilla lighting in the Foredragssalen (Lecture Hall) at around 21.00.

Tickets can be booked at TicketCo:
(ALL BOOKED - SOLD OUT) There are only 50 tickets for this event. This is due capasity in the museum for both an audience and the "guerilla". The tickets are therefore very exclusive. If you cannot attend, please ask around so that others may enjoy your ticket.

The event is a collaboration between Kristiania University College (Høyskolen Kristiania) and the Vigeland Museum on the occasion of the Vigeland Anniversary.

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