

A K Dolven


A K Dolven

bed, 2019

Marble from Fauske

The City of Oslo Art Collection

bed is what it claims to be – a bed. Lie down on it, close your eyes, or enjoy the view through the skylight.

You are lying on a bed filled with time. The Fauske marble was formed more than 400 million years ago. A K Dolven (1953) brings it into the light and allows us to carry it forward. Also, consider that you can find its sibling beds at OSL Gardermoen and at Campus Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway.

A K Dolven explores time and our phenomenological experience of it in her works. This theme recurs in her art, where bodily contact with nature serves as an entry point to understanding time both as a phenomenon and as material. Therefore, Dolven invites to a sensory encounter between the viewer and the marble sculpture bed.

A K Dolven is based in Oslo and Lofoten, Norway. She works with various media such as painting, photography, performance, installation, film, and sound. A recurring theme in her works is natural forces and how they affect human emotions. She balances between the monumental and the minimal, the universal and the intimate. Human relationships and interactions are central to her work, and many of her performance pieces are collaborative projects with others.

You may sit or lay down on the sculpture.

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